Royal Jelly
It is a creamy substance emitted by the subpharyngeal glands of worker bees. The name “royal jelly” stems from the fact that the larvae which are destined to be queens, as well as adult queens eat exclusively this food. Royal jelly contains the critical element that evolves bee from worker to queen.
Royal jelly is a rich source of vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and mineral elements. Many of its components still remain unidentified.
Fresh royal jelly ranges in color from bright whitish to light yellow, has a lightly pungent smell and sour taste. (pH 3.5 – 4.5)
Effects on the organism
Royal Jelly assists:
• Fatigue cases
• Recuperation cases
• Geriatrics
• Pregnancy
• Neurological disorders
• The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
• Cases of pediatrics (it improves appetite, enhances the number of red blood cells, enhances immune system)
• The stimulation of adrenal glands, which results to the secretion of hormones related to the metabolism of carbohydrates
• The improvement of the sexual life of men (because if its containing of testosterone, progesterone, estradiol) and milk production after birth in women. It also helps the vascular state of the skin giving it brightness and beauty.
The daily consumption of royal jelly according to medical bibliography ranges from 120-180 milligrams to half a gram. In special cases, royal jelly consumption can be 1 gram. For children the intake should not be more than 1/10 of a gram.
Price (excluding shipping cost)
10gr – €30
* Please contact us for wholesale prices
* It is collected between June and July and is shipped in an isothermal container with ice
* Keep frozen for up to 18 months after harvest, and refrigerated for up to 8 months after harvest